Large Trees

FAQ & Reviews

  • How often should I have my trees trimmed?

    Young trees should be inspected and trimmed every 1-5 years. Mature trees may benefit from a yearly inspection with perhaps a five- to 10-year cycle of trimming and pruning. Fruit trees may need to be trimmed annually.

  • What is the best time of year to prune my trees?

    There is never a bad time to remove dead, damaged or diseased branches. But most trees benefit from pruning in mid to late winter. Pruning during dormancy encourages new growth as soon as the weather begins to warm. The lack of leaves after autumn allows you to easily identify branches and limbs requiring removal.

  • Do you have insurance?

    We are licensed, Insured and bonded

  • Can you provide references?

    Enjoy reading through all of our 5-star client testimonials!

  • What types of equipment do you use for tree removal?

    Tree removal equipment can vary depending on the size of the tree and the location of the tree. Here are some of the most common types of equipment used for tree removal:

    • Chainsaws: Chainsaws are one of the most important tools for tree removal. They are used to cut branches and limbs, and to fell trees.
    • Wood chipper: A wood chipper is used to grind up the branches and limbs that have been cut from the tree. This reduces the volume of waste material and makes it easier to dispose of.
    • Cranes: In some cases, a crane may be used to lift and remove large tree trunks or branches that are difficult to reach with other equipment.
    • Stump grinders: Stump grinders are used to grind down the remaining stump after a tree has been removed. This is necessary to prevent the stump from regrowing and to allow for replanting or landscaping in the area.
    • Trucks and trailers: Trucks and trailers are used to transport the equipment to and from the job site, as well as to haul away the waste material and debris.
  • How do you ensure the safety of my property during tree removal?

    Ensuring the safety of your property during tree removal is a top priority for professional tree removal services. Here are some of the steps that may be taken to ensure your property remains safe during the process:

    • Assessment of the tree: Before any work begins, the tree removal team will assess the tree and the surrounding area to identify any potential hazards or risks. This will include a visual inspection of the tree’s condition, as well as an evaluation of the location and proximity of nearby structures, power lines, or other obstacles.
    • Proper equipment and techniques: The tree removal team will use the appropriate equipment and techniques for the specific tree removal job. For example, they may use ropes and pulleys to lower branches or sections of the tree to the ground, rather than dropping them.
    • Controlled dismantling: If the tree is close to your property, the team may dismantle it piece by piece, using a crane or other equipment to carefully lower each section to the ground.
    • Protective barriers: Protective barriers, such as plywood or fencing, may be placed around your property to prevent damage from falling debris.
    • Clean up: Once the tree removal is complete, the team will thoroughly clean up the area and remove any debris from your property.
  • Can you treat a diseased tree, or is removal necessary?

    In some cases, a diseased tree can be treated and saved, but in other cases, removal may be necessary. The decision to treat or remove a diseased tree will depend on several factors, including the severity and extent of the disease, the age and condition of the tree, and the potential risk to nearby structures or people.

    If caught early, some diseases can be treated through pruning or other techniques to remove the infected areas and promote new growth. In other cases, a fungicide or other treatment may be necessary to eliminate the disease.
    However, if the disease has spread extensively throughout the tree, or if the tree is in poor condition, removal may be the best option to prevent the disease from spreading to nearby trees or structures, or to reduce the risk of the tree falling and causing damage or injury.
  • Do you offer emergency tree removal services?

    Yes, we do.

    During an emergency tree removal, the tree removal team will prioritize the safety of people and property and will take the necessary steps to quickly remove the tree and any debris. This may involve using specialized equipment, such as cranes or chainsaws, to safely and efficiently remove the tree.

    Some common reasons why emergency tree removal services may be needed include:
    1. A tree has fallen on a house, car, or other structure
    2. A tree is in danger of falling and causing damage or injury
    3. A tree or limb is blocking a road or driveway
    4. A tree or limb is tangled in power lines, creating a hazard
  • Why is stump grinding necessary?

    Stump grinding is necessary for several reasons, including:

    • Aesthetics: Stumps can be unsightly and detract from the appearance of your landscape. Stump grinding can quickly and efficiently remove the stump, creating a more visually appealing and neat appearance.
    • Safety: Stumps can be a tripping hazard, especially if they are hidden by grass or other vegetation. Removing the stump through grinding eliminates this hazard and reduces the risk of injury.
    • Preventing regrowth: Stumps that are left behind can potentially sprout new growth, which can be difficult to manage and remove. Stump grinding removes the entire stump, including the roots, preventing any potential regrowth.
    • Space utilization: Stumps can take up valuable space in your yard, making it difficult to use the area for other purposes. Grinding the stump can free up space and allow you to fully utilize your yard.
    • Pest control: Stumps can attract pests, such as termites, ants, and beetles, which can then spread to other trees and structures in your yard. Removing the stump through grinding can eliminate this potential pest habitat.

    Overall, stump grinding is an effective and efficient way to remove unsightly, potentially hazardous, and space-consuming stumps from your landscape. Done Rite Tree, uses specialized equipment to grind the stump and surrounding roots into small chips that can be easily removed.

  • When should cabling and bracing be used?

    Cabling and bracing are techniques used to provide additional support to trees that have weak or damaged branches or limbs. These techniques involve the installation of cables or braces between the branches or limbs and the trunk of the tree, to help distribute the weight and reduce the risk of the branches or limbs breaking and falling.

    Cabling and bracing are typically used in the following situations:
    • Structural defects: Trees that have structural defects, such as multiple trunks or weak branch unions, may benefit from cabling and bracing to help support the weaker areas and reduce the risk of failure.
    • Wind or storm damage: Trees that have suffered wind or storm damage may have weakened branches or limbs that are at risk of breaking. Cabling and bracing can help support these weakened areas and reduce the risk of further damage or failure.
    • Valuable or historic trees: Trees that have historical or sentimental value, or that are particularly valuable for their size or species, may benefit from cabling and bracing to help extend their lifespan and preserve their value.
    Cabling and bracing should always be performed by a professional tree service, as improper installation can actually increase the risk of failure and cause more harm than good. One of our professional arborists can assess your trees and determine if cabling and bracing are necessary and can install the cables and braces using proper techniques and materials. Regular inspections and maintenance may also be necessary to ensure that the cables and braces remain effective over time.
  • Can you tell me if my tree is likely to fall?

    It can be difficult to tell if a tree is likely to fall, as there are many factors that can contribute to tree failure, such as weather conditions, soil type, age, and health of the tree. However, there are some signs that may indicate that a tree is at risk of falling:

    • Leaning: If a tree is leaning significantly, it may indicate that the roots are damaged or the soil is unstable, which can increase the risk of the tree falling.
    • Cracks or splits: Cracks or splits in the trunk or major branches of a tree can indicate structural weakness and increase the risk of failure.
    • Dead branches: Dead or dying branches can be a sign of poor tree health and can increase the risk of breakage and falling.
    • Decay or rot: If the tree has decay or rot in the trunk or major branches, it can weaken the tree’s structure and increase the risk of failure.
    • Soil upheaval: If the soil around the base of the tree is upheaved or cracked, it may indicate that the roots are damaged or the soil is unstable, which can increase the risk of the tree falling.
    If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to have the tree inspected by one of our professional arborists as soon as possible. Our arborist can assess the tree’s health and structure, and determine if any measures, such as pruning or cabling and bracing, can be taken to reduce the risk of failure. In some cases, tree removal may be necessary to eliminate the risk of damage or injury.
  • How often should I trim my trees to ensure healthy growth?

    The frequency of tree trimming or pruning depends on several factors, such as the species of the tree, its age, location, and overall health. In general, it is recommended to have trees pruned or trimmed every 3-5 years to promote healthy growth and maintain the tree’s structural integrity. However, some species may require more frequent pruning, while others may require less.

    Here are some guidelines for the frequency of tree pruning based on different factors:
    • Age: Young trees may require more frequent pruning to establish a strong structure, while older trees may require less frequent pruning.
    • Species: Some species, such as fruit trees, may require annual pruning to promote fruit production and maintain their shape, while other species may require less frequent pruning.
    • Location: Trees located near power lines, buildings, or other structures may require more frequent pruning to prevent damage and maintain clearance.
    • Health: Trees that are damaged or diseased may require more frequent pruning to remove dead or diseased branches and promote healthy growth.

    It’s important to note that over-pruning can be detrimental to a tree’s health and growth, so it’s best to consult with our professional arborist to determine the appropriate pruning frequency for your specific trees. One of our arborists can assess the health and structure of your trees and recommend a pruning schedule that will promote healthy growth and maintain their beauty and integrity.

  • What factors and conditions should I consider when trimming trees?

    When trimming or pruning trees, there are several factors and conditions that should be considered to ensure that the tree remains healthy and structurally sound. Here are some important factors to consider:

    • Tree species: Different species of trees have different growth patterns and requirements, so it’s important to understand the specific needs of the tree you’re trimming. For example, some trees may require pruning in a specific season, while others may need to be pruned at a specific time of day to avoid stress or disease.
    • Tree age: Younger trees may require more pruning to establish a strong structure, while older trees may require less frequent pruning to maintain their health and structural integrity.
    • Tree health: Trees that are damaged or diseased may require more extensive pruning to remove dead or diseased branches and promote healthy growth.
    • Purpose of pruning: Different types of pruning serve different purposes, such as removing dead branches, promoting fruit production, or shaping the tree for aesthetic purposes. It’s important to understand the specific goals of pruning before starting the process.
    • Environmental factors: Environmental conditions, such as weather, soil type, and proximity to structures or power lines, can also impact the pruning process. For example, pruning during periods of drought or extreme heat can stress the tree and impact its growth.
    • Safety: Safety should always be a top priority when pruning trees. Make sure to use proper safety equipment, such as gloves, eye protection, and a helmet, and consider hiring a professional arborist for larger or more complex pruning jobs.
    By considering these factors and conditions, you can ensure that your trees are pruned in a way that promotes healthy growth, maintains their structural integrity, and enhances their beauty and functionality.
  • Tree Trimming vs Pruning

    Tree trimming and pruning are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to slightly different types of tree maintenance.

    Tree trimming generally refers to the removal of overgrown or excess branches and foliage for aesthetic or safety reasons. It may involve removing branches that are obstructing a view, touching power lines, or posing a hazard to people or property. Tree trimming is typically done on an as-needed basis and can be done at any time of the year, as long as it does not harm the tree’s health.
    Pruning, on the other hand, is a more focused type of tree maintenance that involves selectively removing specific branches for the purpose of improving the tree’s health, structure, or productivity. Pruning may involve removing dead, damaged, or diseased branches, as well as shaping the tree for better growth and fruit production. Pruning is typically done on a regular schedule and may be timed to coincide with the tree’s growth cycle or other environmental factors.

    Overall, while both tree trimming and pruning involve the removal of branches, they serve different purposes and are done for different reasons. It’s important to understand the specific needs of your trees and work with one of our professional arborists to determine the appropriate type and frequency of tree maintenance to promote healthy growth, maintain structural integrity, and enhance the beauty and functionality of your trees.

  • When is tree trimming necessary?

    Tree trimming is necessary for several reasons, including:

    • Aesthetics: Overgrown or misshapen trees can detract from the beauty of a property. Trimming can help maintain a tree’s shape and enhance its appearance.
    • Safety: Overgrown trees with low-hanging branches can pose a hazard to people or property. Trimming can remove hazardous branches and reduce the risk of damage or injury.
    • Health: Dead or diseased branches can harm a tree’s health and spread disease to other parts of the tree. Trimming can remove these branches and promote healthy growth.
    • Sunlight: Overgrown trees can block sunlight from reaching other plants or areas of a property. Trimming can open up the canopy and allow more light to reach the ground.
    • Clearance: Trees located near power lines, buildings, or other structures may need to be trimmed to maintain clearance and prevent damage.
    The frequency of tree trimming depends on several factors, such as the species of the tree, its age, location, and overall health. In general, it’s recommended to have trees trimmed every 3-5 years to promote healthy growth and maintain the tree’s structural integrity. However, some species may require more frequent trimming, while others may require less. It’s important to consult with one of our professional arborists to determine the appropriate trimming frequency for your specific trees.
  • What are the Most Common Mistakes Made when Trimming Trees?

    Trimming trees can be a challenging task, and there are several common mistakes that people make that can harm the tree’s health and appearance. Here are some of the most common mistakes made when trimming trees:

    • Topping: Topping is the practice of cutting off the top of a tree to reduce its height. This can harm the tree’s health and make it more susceptible to disease and pests.
    • Over-pruning: Over-pruning involves removing too much of a tree’s foliage at one time. This can cause stress to the tree and make it more vulnerable to disease and pests.
    • Improper cuts: Making improper cuts can damage the tree and create openings for disease and pests to enter. It’s important to make clean cuts and avoid leaving stubs or ragged edges.
    • Trimming at the wrong time: Trimming at the wrong time of year can harm the tree’s growth and health. It’s important to understand the specific needs of the tree and prune it at the appropriate time.
    • Using improper tools: Using the wrong tools or using them improperly can damage the tree and make the pruning process more difficult. It’s important to use the right tools for the job and keep them sharp and well-maintained.
    • Ignoring safety precautions: Trimming trees can be dangerous, especially when working at heights or near power lines. It’s important to take proper safety precautions, such as wearing protective gear and using proper equipment, to avoid injury.
    To avoid these common mistakes and ensure that your trees are trimmed properly, it’s best to work with one of our professional arborist who has the knowledge and experience to care for your trees safely and effectively.
  • What is the average time to trim a tree?

    The time it takes to trim a tree can vary depending on several factors, such as the size of the tree, its location, the amount of foliage to be removed, and the equipment needed for the job. In general, a small tree that requires only minor trimming may take an hour or two to complete, while a larger tree that requires more extensive trimming can take several hours or even a full day to complete.

    For example, a professional arborist may take 2-3 hours to trim a small tree that is less than 20 feet tall, while a tree that is over 50 feet tall may take a full day or more to trim, depending on its complexity and the amount of trimming needed.
    It’s important to note that the time it takes to trim a tree can also depend on the methods used. For example, using traditional hand tools may take longer than using power tools such as chainsaws or pole pruners.
    To get a more accurate estimate of how long it will take to trim your specific tree, it’s best to consult with our professional arborist who can assess the tree and provide a customized estimate based on its unique needs.
  • How Much Does It Cost to Have My Trees Trimmed?

    The cost to have your trees trimmed can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the size and species of the tree, the location and accessibility of the tree, the amount of foliage to be removed, and the complexity of the job. In general, smaller trees that require only minor trimming may cost a few hundred dollars, while larger trees that require more extensive trimming can cost several thousand dollars or more.

    Some additional factors that can affect the cost of tree trimming include:
    • Equipment needed: If specialized equipment such as bucket trucks or cranes are needed to reach the tree, the cost may be higher.
    • Time required: If the job is complex and requires more time to complete, the cost may be higher.
    • Additional services: If additional services such as stump removal or debris removal are required, the cost may be higher.
    • Local labor and material costs: The cost of tree trimming can vary depending on local labor and material costs in your area.
    To get an accurate estimate of the cost to trim your trees, it’s best to consult with our professional arborist who can assess the tree and provide a customized estimate based on its unique needs.

Testimonials & Reviews

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    I wanted to make sure to write how much I appreciate Done-Rite Tree Co.
    I had to have a tree removed, and they quoted me half of what other companies wanted to charge me. When I needed a tree trimmed, again they were the lowest bidder, and did such an excellent job. The crew came when they said they would, they did an excellent job on my tree. My son commented on how HAPPY the tree looked once all trimmed. They cleaned up everything, and even hung up my bird feeders on new branches. I will always make Done-Rite Tree Company, MY local tree experts. Thanks Ü
    Ruth Baranick
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    Kevin and Aaron and Chris worked all morning at my place. They had to remove a storm damaged very tall pine tree, dig out the stump and grind it up. Several other trees needed pruning and trimming and tying up. They did a delicate pruning job on our 40 year old magnolia whose branches were elegantly entangled. They worked non stop in today's 90 degree heat. They did an awesome job of cleaning up and checked with me that everything was done as I wanted. Done Rite Tree Co. did a wonderful job for me and I will most certainly use them again.
    Diana Goslin
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    Done-Rite Tree Company is the only service that I trust to care for my large and beautiful Boise "Crown Jewel" trees. For over 15 years, Done-Rite has provided consistent, reliable, professional service. Owning Large Trees in Boise is an investment that pays back in environmental balance and beauty. Caring for them is a civic responsibility. Done-Rite is my #1 choice to do this.
    Martha Hopper
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    These guys were prompt with an eval, estimate, and scheduling. The office staff were friendly and helpful. Very professional business and easy process.
    Aaron Howell
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    These guys are fantastic! Knowledgeable, friendly, fast, clean, thorough and a great value on top of it all! What a crew! We will definitely be using them for any of our future tree needs! Highly recommend!
    Shanna Heinz
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    I have used Done Rite Tree service 2 times at 2 locations to remove stumps. In both cases they removed the stumps completely below the ground level. In both cases there were sprinkler lines mixed up into the root system of the trees and the sprinkler lines were damaged. This is not Done Rite Tree's fault, it was simply a circumstance of poor yard arrangement. Their service was fast and effective with a fair price.
    Jared Scofield
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    Impressive team work.. very safely done in a narrow environment. Fast job and pleasant workers. Will recommend the company. They did a similar job for my son a few years ago.
    Gabrielle Applequist
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    Done Rite always does a fantastic job for us, but this past week, I watched mezmerized as Josiah and John put their crews through the paces, including using new machinery I've never seen before. Everything was done in a top-notch, safe fashion and they even cleaned up behind themselves once the work was completed. Thanks, guys!
    Mel Jackson
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    Working with Done Right was a delight from the office girls, the tree trimmers and the owner. I would highly recommend this company
    Sandy Maple